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Las últimas novedades de Traditional Karate-Do Institute.

Nozay - Loire Atlantique, France Course

Nozay - Loire Atlantique, France Course

Last Saturday 28 of January I conducted a Traditional Karate Do Course for one day in a place where I started a group in 2005. This time was very good opportunity to see students from different ages sharing the practice.

Some of them come from other groups of training but step by step they are adjusting their posture and different habits of body dynamics and technical adjustments.

They are using more and more the principles and they realise at first that they can develop more impact. 

This process has to be made with a good understanding of all principles that the Traditional Karate Do Institute offers in each course.

We can see children and adults performing day by day a better posture and mental attitude as well. 

The program of TKI will continue improving with a professional research in all countries we go. 

We are focusing our work in a global concept of education and the improvement of the practitioner in their health, mental balance, spirit of peace and good understanding of the Budo concept. From this concept practitioner will be more confident and will understand what a Martial Art is, then they can develop and improve in the practice and understand the reality.

Traditional Karate Do is not a kicking or punching sport and if we base the concept in an art of self defense we will improve in a real way. 

Was a very cold day last saturday but the students arrived to keep strong and concentrated.



Nozay - Loire Atlantique, France Course

Geneva Seminar

One more time I was in Geneva, Switzerland to conduct a Traditional Karate Do Seminar at the Kabuto Dojo in Plain-les Ouates where Senseis Jean Daniel Pfund and Alejandro Arregui teach sine many years.

The experience was excellent and the result very positive, I saw how children improved since last year and their motivation to learn.

Jean Daniel and Alejandro are a really serious instructors and dedicated to their students, the discipline and Budo aspect is improving a lot, they give all of their best to make the progress of the students.

Really I am very happy for this positive result, it demonstrate the principles of teaching and the methodology works.

Thanks to all for this great moment once again. I do not forget our friend Alvaro Flores who always
receive me in Geneva but this time he was travelling abroad.

I am happy to see Nuno again with the group, hope he will continue this way of learning, I'm sure he can be a good instructor in the future, he loves that.

Thanks also Sandra and Jean Daniel for their lovely fondue dinner and Alejandro for his fantastic time.

Geneva Seminar



In front of our enemy the exact timing is our best opportunity. We have to train it all the time with our partner in front a pre established attack and the front a surprise attack.

Our breathing has a very important role in this action and also in our impact to the target. No adequate breathing no good result.

My recommendation is to make a very hard self training, we should principally use our imagination
and in our self training practice Kata at the beginning with slow movements controlling the breathing. 

The imagination will help us to react with a good timing and after this we can start with the applications with a partner or multiple opponents.

It is a hard understanding of this exercise but after few months we will realise our performance will
increase and our timing will be developed.

Welcome to Uruguay next March to the TKI Gasshuku and Instructors Course




In all Japanese Martial Arts, Mokuso (Meditation) is very important to adjust your mind and body and also your spirit.

Principally in Bu-Do  it comes from the Zen Philosophy, but historically from India and China.

I do not want to enter in the historical matter, only I want to focus in the act of Mokuso for Traditional Karate-Do.

To connect our mind and body we have to concentrate in 2 main points, the Tandem (Zhen Dan Tian in Chinese) and the Kami Tandem (Shang Dan Tian). We have to send our KI from the lower part to the brain through our breathing.

All this process needs a lot of practice, Mokuso is not only sitting in seiza or agura position and close the eyes. We have to understand why and prepare step by step our mind and body for this.

For this reason it's very important before and after each class to do it. Majority of the times the instructor does it but they do not know how to explain to the students all process. In this case we have to study to understand why to it and the process to achieve our stage of Mokuso.

There are people who does it walking, others performing some exercises, including Kata; but the experience and the feeling is only by your own practice.

Step by step you will start to understand the process and feel more deep what kind of person you are, it means to recognises you first, then you can see more clear. Secondly you have to have conscience of yourself, et the connection with your environment. Third to control your emotions and forth to take out all emotions, your ego will go away and your wishes will disappear.

After this you can perform Mokuso correctly.

I use to practice at the end of 90's this kind of emotions  with my Shiatsu Sensei, Hideo Asai, was not so easy for us but
the concept was there, we use to walk around the Dojo and prepare ourselves for the practice, no to much explanations but deep understanding.

Nelson Carrión



Considero que todos los artes marciales tienen sus aspectos positivos, en lo que se refiere al Karate Do técnicamente sabemos que intentamos buscar el golpe definitivo (Todome wasa).

Ello no lo encontramos entrenando la competición dado que la misma limita al practicante a realizar sus golpes en áreas específicamente marcadas. Pero concentrémonos a las que son prohibidas.

Es allí donde en nuestras clases debemos trabajar para comprender mejor el arte y poder darle a nuestros practicantes la confianza de ser eficaces frente a uno o varios oponentes.

Los ojos, la zona genital, las articulaciones como los codos o las rodillas son partes que el practicante debe también saber dirigir el golpe y por consecuencia entrenarlo. Es en la aplicación profunda de los katas donde encontramos algunas respuestas, pero no todas, debemos usar también nuestra imaginación.

Para ello el concepto de defensa se debe convertir en ataque, al mismo tiempo, o antes, del ataque del adversario debemos reaccionar. La respiración es parte de ese reacción, es importante que sepamos cómo hacerlo y para ello hay un método que nos permite hacerlo.

Recomiendo a los Instructores investigar en esa reacción a través de la respiración.

En nuestros próximos seminarios daremos un enfoque sobre este tema e invitamos a participar a todos aquellos interesados en profundizar en este punto.